Thundu presents itself as a homage to the acclaimed “Action Hero Biju” style, delving into the daily lives of policemen while interweaving comedic episodes. However, rather than addressing grievances or petitions, the film opts for a candid portrayal of the inner workings within police stations and amongst officers. What sets it apart is its refusal to cloak characters or situations in the veneer of goodness or humanity, a departure from the norm in filmmaking.
Biju Menon takes on the role of Baby, a civil police officer whose knack for trouble seems almost inadvertent. His woes are compounded by the presence of Shigin, played by Shine Tom Chacko, a subordinate who, despite his junior status, has ascended to the rank of a senior CPO through departmental tests. The crux of the narrative revolves around the simmering tensions between them, culminating in Baby’s decision to vie for superiority by undertaking the same tests.
Menon, known for his innate comedic flair, delivers a performance marked by subtlety rather than physicality, a departure from the typical Malayali comedic style. However, this restraint in energy may stem from the portrayal of a more mature character.
While the film’s non-linear storytelling initially piques interest, it eventually becomes convoluted, with the audience realizing belatedly that they are still entrenched in past incidents. Thundu offers a semblance of freshness within the cop-centric narrative landscape, peppered with moments of levity, yet it falls short of delivering a gripping storyline.
Furthermore, the film’s attempt to cloak negative portrayals in humor might sit uneasily with certain segments of the audience, detracting from its overall impact.